There’s been a lot of news and information about deepfakes lately. Some of it is positive and some of it is negative. If you don’t know what it is, it’s a way to take a photo or a video and replace the face of the person. It gets used a lot to make porn videos of celebrities, and that’s to be expected. These videos get shared on the porn sites as well as ones dedicated to deepfakes. It’s easy to do, but you have to spend a little time questioning the morality of it all.
Deepfake Morality

The main question when comes to the morality of the deepfake video is whether or not you have the right to take the face of one person and put them into a situation they don’t want to be in. Some people see it as a violation of that person’s sexuality and privacy. When you can take, let’s say Billie Eilish, and put her face onto the body of a women on her knees, blowbanging 20 guys and letting them bukkake all over her face, is that right? Billie Eilish obviously didn’t do that and seeing her own face in that video is bound to have a massively negative effect on her psyche.
Deepfake Lies

Now, there’s one instance when this is objectively wrong. If you were to take that finished deepfake video, the one we were just talking about, the one with Billie Eilish blowing a bunch of guys and taking their loads all over her face, remember? Yeah, if you take that and upload it to PornHub under the guise that it’s a totally genuine video and Ms. Eilish regularly spends her Sunday nights letting 20 guys cum on her face, we feel that’s wrong, and so should you. Even though she’s a public figure, you’re slandering her character and making her much more interesting than she really is.
Public VS Private

So let’s take that very same video again. It’s the one where Billie Eilish sucks off 20 guys in her living room and jerks them all off into her face at the end. Anyway, let’s take that video and say that you made it for yourself and no one else. You made a deepfake video just so you could see what she would look like with the semen of 20 Filipino men covering her face. Is that wrong? Well, not really.
Private Use Deepfakes

If you make a deepfake porn video with either a celebrity, or someone you know, just to watch it on your own then there’s nothing really wrong with it. It’s pretty much the same thing as imagining Billie Eilish cupping the balls of 20 Filipino men and massaging as much sperm as she can get out of their balls and onto her face, the only difference is that you can actually see it. It’s just jerking off or finger blasting your snatch with a technological aid and that’s fine. You just have to really make sure that it doesn’t get uploaded anywhere.
Honest Deepfake Videos

So now we get to deepfake porn videos that you know are digital creations and not genuine videos of Billie Eilish blowbanging 20 Filipino men in her living room, on a typical Sunday, while making her boyfriend watch from a corner and beg her not to take any more facials because she might drown. If you upload that to a deepfake site and make it clear that you made it, is that wrong? Well, that gets a little murkier. Now you’re publically besmirching the good name of a public figure but being honest that it’s just fan fiction.
Public Figures

The simple fact is that it’s completely legal for someone to create a work of fiction around a public figure, as long as they’re not making money off it. That’s why you can read so much erotica about Starlord taking it up the ass from Captain America while Tony Stark jerks off onto his back. Public figures are in the public eye and subject to a certain level of mockery. That seems to make it okay to share a deepfake of a celebrity, as long as you’re not profiting from it and you make it clear that it’s a work of fiction.
Personal Deepfake Videos

So, let’s take this all a step further. Let’s leave Billie Eilish alone for now, just like she left her boyfriend alone in his cage while she sucked off 20 Filipino men and made him watch her jerk their loads all over her own face. Let’s talk about your crush. Everyone has one. There isn’t a person on this planet that doesn’t have someone they want to fuck, but can’t. These are the people that get you so worked up; it’s painful to be around them and not cumming on them. Would it be okay to make a deepfake porn video of them for your own, personal use? Well, kind of, yeah!
It’s about Intent

It just comes down to intent. Now, make no mistake about it: if you make a deepfake porn video of a regular person and post it online, you’re the biggest asshole that’s ever walked the Earth. However, if you’re already spending your nights fucking an old sock or a particularly ripe cucumber while you think about that person, there’s really no difference by simply adding a visual aid.
It can Scratch an Itch

In fact, it could be the release you need to get that person off your mind. It can be especially helpful if you’re married to or dating someone else. That other person still makes your balls tingle or makes you soak through three pairs of panties a day, but you don’t want to add infidelity to the whole thing. That’s where making a deepfake video of the person can really help you out. Being able to see the person ramrodding pornstars or taking it from a black man may just satisfy that craving enough to get it out of your system, and that’s perfectly okay.
How to do It

So, how can you do that? It’s actually really simple and we’ll walk you through the steps. Remember that this is not something that you should be sharing with anyone. It’s something for you and no one else. It’s something to watch on mute while you fuck your stick on dildo or fleshlight in the shower right next to your sleeping partner in the next room. You first step is to find an app or site to make your deepfake. They’re all over the internet, so there’s really no reason to pick one and suggest it. They’re all pretty much the same.
Choose your Video

Now it’s time to choose your video. Pick a porn video that goes a step beyond the others. Make it filthy and nasty. The sloppier it is, the more satisfying it will be. Also, make sure that it’s ten minutes or less. Each app is going to have its own time limit, but ten minutes seems to be a pretty common one. Now all you have to do is upload it onto the app or site. The AI is going to take care of the rest of it for you. It will do all the mapping while you worry about the next step.
Visit their Social Media

Now it’s time to get the pictures of the person you want to see in the porn video. That means your next stop is their social media. You want clear images that show their faces. Some apps want multiple images while other just want one. The more images it wants, the better the final product is going to me. You can either download or screenshot them from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any of those. Now it’s just a matter of uploading.
Just Wait

Now the program is going to make it all happen. There are some really smart things going on, but all you have to do is wait. It will let you know when it’s ready and will send you a link. Just download it and there you go! You now have your very own deepfake porn video of your crush! Make absolutely sure the site or app isn’t sharing it with anyone else. It’s for you and that’s it. Now all you have to do is lube up and mash your genitals while you watch your crush rail or get railed in the sloppiest ways possible!
Share your Self Deepfakes!

Now that you know how to do it, why don’t you share your own self deepfakes with us? Use picutres of yourself to make any kind of deepfake you want and send it to! We’ll put them up and let everyone else see what crazy sexual situations you’ve gotten yourself into! It will be a lot of fun and you’re really just sharing images of yourself, so there’s no problem with it at all! Try it out and see what you can come up with!