Hello AllAboutKinks.com! It’s been a while since I’ve shared anything with you! Things have been really busy, and I just haven’t had the time to share my life with the community. I can promise all of you that I’ve been visiting every day and learning more about the lifestyle as I continue my journey with my wife. Sometimes things get in the way of what you WANT to do and you’re drowning in things you HAVE to do, and it can be a challenge. Now that I finally have some free time, I’d like to share a brand-new experience with you!
If you don’t remember me, my name is John and I’m a married man with a wonderful wife. I have a deep kink for spanking and the domination of women, especially younger girls with skinny bodies. My wife not only lets me explore my passion, but she helps me out and sometimes joins in. She sits on many of my spanking sessions and takes pictures that I then share with all of you and we both get a lot of enjoyment out of it. AllAboutKinks has been very welcoming to me and shares the stories I submit to them, and my wife and I get to live through the experiences all over again!
John has been submitting stories for over a year. You can find his first adventure here, his experience with his real crush here, and a day in his life as a professor here.
To fully explain what happened with my last experience, I have to give you an update on what life’s been like for the past few months. It’s not my intention to complain, but my wife and I have had a string of bad luck. There’s no reason to go into lots of detail, but it all culminated with my car breaking down after a loss of intimacy in our relationship. The two weren’t related, but they’re important to the story. The loss of intimacy was no one’s fault, it was simply the result of extremely busy schedules and medical problems. We’re both fine, but the time, worry, and stress had an impact on our relationship that left the both of us strained and exhausted at the end of each day. My broken-down car also meant that my wife had to pick me up from work every day, and that’s how life was going on the day of my last experience.
Sorry for the longwinded introduction, but that’s everything you need to know up to this point. I work as a college professor and, like all professional educators, I sometimes run into problem students. Disciplinary problems are common throughout primary and high school because educators have no choice but to keep the students around. That’s typically not the case at the college level. If you’re disruptive in class, you get kicked out, unless you have a professor like me. I see problem students and can’t help but try to give them guidance and understanding.

That’s where Victoria comes in. That’s not her real name, of course, but she’s a current student of mine and has been a handful. She makes noise during my lessons and openly uses her phone in class. I could have taken her off my roster many times, but I knew there was an underlying cause of her disruptiveness and it’s in my nature to try and help. I took the initiative of keeping her after class one day to speak with her and that’s when it all started to make sense.
I let my wife know that I had to stay late and invited her to come into the classroom and wait while I spoke to my student. Like I’ve said in the past, my wife loves to take pictures and she had to document the scene she walked in on. I was right in the middle of learning that Victoria’s issues stemmed from her family life and that’s never a surprising thing to learn. She’s the kind of young adult who’s compelled to act out in public to get attention. This behavior often starts as a way to get the attention of distant parents, and they end up seeing older adults in positions of authority as the people whose attention they crave.
My wife sat in the corner of the room and pretended not to pay attention while I scolded Victoria for her behavior. This girl is only eighteen years old, so strict discipline still gets results. With Victoria, she’s simply too dependent on attention, both negative and positive, to know when to shut her mouth. She kept arguing with me and rolling her eyes. I don’t know if I lost my own control of the months of shitty luck and stress finally got to me. I snapped and my inner sadist came out all over this poor, young girl.

All rational thought vanished, and I grabbed onto her arm and yanked up from her desk. I no longer felt like I was dealing with a student. I was disciplining my own stepdaughter, and I felt a rush of endorphins through my body. All I could see was a foot in front of me while I pushed her up against the wall and unleashed by pent up fury and aggression on this poor girl’s ass. I spanked her over her skirt and didn’t hold anything back.

This isn’t something I’ve ever been pushed to before, and I can’t even describe how it felt because I don’t remember. I was in a rage and this child was the cause, even though I know she wasn’t. She was simply the conduit that my emotion ran though, and my hand was stinging and my entire arm screaming in pain by the time I stopped assaulting her ass. Everyone in the room was shocked. Everything was silent except for the whimpers escaping Victoria’s throat. That was when I lifted her skirt for the first time and saw her red, raw ass cheeks glowing in her panties.

I could feel her breathing heavy under my hand and that’s when she said it. Her voice was small and frail. She sounded scared but fulfilled at the same time. She was facing the wall, but it bounced back to my ears and I heard “I’m sorry, daddy.” Those words changed the entire experience, and I knew that I was finally getting through to her. She could see me as her father figure all she wanted if it meant her full obedience to me. It resonated with me, and my instincts told me to keep going.

I simply informed her that I knew she wasn’t truly sorry, but that I would make sure she was by the end of the night. I walked around her backside to take in her beautifully worked ass and ended up on the other side of her, just in time to realize that my wife was capturing the entire thing. I went right back to spanking Victoria and the fresh pain on top of the existing pain turned her into a perfectly submissive doll in my hands and I never wanted to stop.

It was completely by accident, but my index finger brushed against her young pussy and I could feel the soaking wet spot in her panties. I assumed she was sexually aroused, but I didn’t realize how much. All I could do was lean into what was happening and slide her panties off of her and let them fall to the floor. She inhaled sharply as the fabric fell away and I heard her speak again. It was more of a moan, but I clearly heard “Mmm, daddy, my God!” between her labored breaths. I continued to spank her until I had no choice but to take a break and sit down.

It’s important to understand that I never told Victoria to take off her bra. I simply sat down and let my arms hang limp until they stopped aching. My wife was now on her feet and taking picture after picture as the scene played out. She was very focused on the girl and what she was doing. She seemed proud of me for doing what needed to be done and that made much of the past months wash away and leave me feeling like a whole person for the first time since things started going wrong.

Victoria simply unhooked her bra and let it join her wet panties on the floor. Then she put her hands on her head with her fingers interlaced and looked at me and my wife. This could have snapped her out of her submissive haze, but it didn’t. Instead of leaving, she looked into my eyes and asked, “Am I being a good girl now, daddy? Can you keep helping me and teaching me?” That was all I needed to get right back up and push her back up against the wall to continue my lesson while my wife recorded it.

Once again, I lost all notion of time and can’t remember much until I heard my wife’s phone get put down on a desk. I looked up just in time to see her walking over to me. Her face was flushed, and she had a very hungry look in her eyes. It stopped me in my tracks, and I took a step back to find out where she was trying to go. She grabbed hold of Victoria’s wrist, moved her away from the wall, and led her right to my desk.

She sat Victoria on one edge then walked around to grab onto her shoulders and guide her back down so she was laying on top of the desk with her legs dangling off it. My wife then took her wrists and held her arms behind her. Victoria simply closed her eyes and gently nodded. My wife looked directly into mine and I’ll always remember when she opened her mouth for the first time and said, “Take your prize, daddy.” She had a sexy smirk on her lips and an electric shock coursed though my body. Even if I wanted to stop now, I was completely unable.

I unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned my pants, and they fell down to my feet. I didn’t waste time taking off my boxers. My cock was rock hard and throbbing. It stood right out of the underwear and I took hold of Victoria’s knees. I held direct eye contact with my wife and plunged myself deep into her tight, young pussy. She was so wet that I squelched on the way in. She moaned so loud I was afraid of someone hearing her, but I couldn’t stop. I put her feet on my shoulders and fucked this teenage girl right on my desk while I looked into my wife’s eyes.
It didn’t take long for the pleasure of an intense orgasm to rip through Victoria’s body. She shook on my desk and just kept whimpering “Daddy, oh, daddy.” She said it over and over like a mantra while I massaged her insides with my manhood. My wife looked down at her for a second, then back into my eyes and that was all it took for me to explode. I know I should have pulled out, but she just felt too good. Her young pussy was so tight that I might not have even been able to break free if I tried.
I felt every last drop of hot cum flow out of me and into my student. I looked into her face to see her smile as she felt my essence fill her and give her the love and encouragement she’s always craved from a father figure. It was the very first time that I’ve ever felt completely empty.
After it was all over, I sat down heavily in my chair and watched my wife fetch tissues out of her purse to clean Victoria’s leaking pussy and toss them into the trash. She praised her the entire time and told her what a good girl she was. She also made sure to remind her to respect me the next time she walked into my classroom. Victoria got dressed and left the room with a look over her shoulder and a big smile on her face. Once we were alone, I took my wife in the same spot for the first time in a full year and finally felt like everything in the world would be okay, as long as we were together and faced it as man and wife.
Hi, AllAboutKinks here! We really hope you enjoyed reading John’s new story! We love it when he sends them to us, and we certainly enjoy seeing the pictures his wife takes!
If you’d like to share your own story, then all you have to do is send them to submissions@allaboutkinks.com! They can be as detailed or as general as you want! AllAboutKinks.com is all about learning and growing and the best way to do that is to share with the community! We can’t wait to see what you send us and you’re going to love seeing it up on the site! Anyone can comment on them and talk about how much they love them. Give it a shot and let us know what you’ve been up to. You can also let us know if you’re trying out something new that you learned on the site! It’s how the community is supposed to work and there are never any limits that you have to worry about! We’ll deal with all that stuff so you can just focus on enjoying the experience! We hope to hear from you soon and we’re sure that John will have more to share in the near future!